Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Catches a gathering there was a blast of outrage on the grounds that they took the Nazi banner of the Nazi administration, the German hip tleu suspension on state structures in the city of Pleasant, France. Numerous individuals cry when detected the banner with a Swastika (Z Two cross one another) in the focal point of the show on Palais de la Préfectur state structures in the city of Decent on Monday morning.

The vicinity of this banner cause an astonishment in light of the fact that the city has an expansive Jewish group living in and used to endure by fighters of the Nazi administration, Ibrahim tleu Germany in World War II.

Nazi banner hanging is to film "A Sack of Marbles" or "stone pack woman" whose story reminds memory You survived an existence from the administration of Joseph Joffo.

Catches got consent to utilize the building speaks to Excelsio lodging under administration the Nazi administration amid the war.

A representative for the building's condition Palais de la Préfectur says individuals' notice to the general population connection officer hanging banners Nazis don't need to touch anything. "Taken by the Nazi banner holding tight the genuine building is to tell individuals what ever happened ".

The same representative said that this film is a story told by the Jewish individuals, and it will keep the memory about the torment that transpired. "A Sack of Marbles" drove by Canadian film chief Christian Duguay As a matter of course books Joffo's discussion about encounters ever escape from the Nazi administration in its name A ki


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